We celebrated the end of another very successful year at the Holey Moley Alexandria miniature golf course followed by a yummy (health) lunch of pizzas and chips… Thanks Vitor for organising – all photos and videos look really fun. Michael H was clearly the best golfer although our new coursework student Singgih was not bad either… As for a short recap of the year: We had four PhD completions (congrats again and congrats for finding exciting roles in industry and consulting), one new PostDoc Bernd (although he is leaving us soon sadly despite my efforts to convince him to pursue an academic career), Nima landing a Senior Lectureship at Imperial College, two new promising PhD starters Hubert and Michael L, two super successful Honour’s students (Ally and David, close to completion), visitor Philipp from Berlin, new coursework student Singgih, PhD students Nana, Michael H, Cindy, and Ming kicking goals etc. etc. On top of this publications, new grants, travel, etc., and most importantly an awesome, cool, humble, smart, and friendly team! Cheers.