Our team rocked the annual UNSW postgraduate student society poster competition held in November 2022 which was back for the first time after a couple of years of Covid interruptions. 28 research posters (all of excellent quality) were presented to a critical panel of around ten judges (academics and PostDocs from our school). Our group presented six posters (Bernd, Cindy, Max, Michael, Ming, Nana) and took home three out of the five prizes (!!!). This is an amazing achievement, well done! The first prize ($500) went to Maxwell, the third one ($200) to Bernd, and one of two people’s choice awards (goodie bag) went to Ming! Finally, Cindy got very close to the top three, and her poster is now being displayed in the School too. Congrats to all! Acknowledgements need to go to Nima who gave lots of useful advice and checked all posters before printing.