Unlocking the diverse property profile of ultra-lightweight magnesium alloys

M. Ferry, S. Primig, N. Birbilis, P. Nakashima,
Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP190103592)

This project aims to develop the theory behind why micro alloying contributes to the formation of surface film properties. The exemplar is a prototype magnesium-lithium (Mg-Li) base alloy, with high specific-strength and corrosion resistance. This project will lead to the development of a new processable ultra-lightweight, corrosion resistant Mg-Li alloy family that is stronger than the prototype alloy, and with, at least, comparable ductility and corrosion resistance. Not only will the outcomes of the work be a fundamental advance to the fields of metallurgy and corrosion science, they will lead to the identification of an optimised compositional window for creating our second generation Mg-Li alloy family capable of being manufactured into ultra-lightweight, corrosion resistant metal products.