Huge congratulations to Nima who has accepted a Senior Lecturership offer (tenure track) in the Department of Materials at Imperial College London. Nima will start building up his independent physical metallurgy research program with interests in additive manufacturing and interface engineering in early 2024. Nima was awarded his PhD at Deakin University (Australia) in 2017 where he then held Victoria and Alfred Deakin Research Fellowships. Numerous other awards followed.
He joined Prof Sophie Primig’s group in early 2019, as PostDoc in our AUSMURI project. He has been instrumental in making our AUSMURI a huge success. Although new to additive manufacturing research, team UNSW has kicked many important goals over the last few years with consistent input, great student supervision, and many great ideas by Nima. Nima was promoted to Lecturer (senior PostDoc) in 2021. He also gained experiences in teaching, postgrad supervision and grant applications at UNSW. Together with Sophie he was awarded an ARC Discovery project in 2023 and a DASA defence grant in 2022, both inspired by the MURI project.
Nima wants to thank Sophie’s group, the entire (AUS)MURI team, the Australian Defence Science & Technology group, the US Office of Naval Research, the UNSW School of Materials Science & Engineering, and broader UNSW community for excellent mentorship over the last few years.
We are beyond proud of you, Nima!
PS: Of course we celebrated this exciting news in the Doncaster pub with drinks and pizzas. We also congratulated Felix, Bernd and Nana for their recently accepted excellent publications, and Bernd and Maxwell (although not present) for getting their PhD corrections accepted.